Deks Dektite Selection Guide

23 May 2023

The New Deks Dektite Product Catalogue and Selection Guide simplifies the Dektite selection process.

Dektites are the industry standard for sealing and weatherproofing penetrations on roofs, walls, and other building applications. They provide a watertight and airtight seal around pipes, vents, and other irregular shapes, ensuring optimal protection against the elements.

What to expect from the Deks Dektite Product Catalogue:

  1. Extensive selection of Dektite products for various pipe sizes, shapes, and materials.
  2. Detailed descriptions, highlights their key features and benefits. 
  3. Easy-to-Use Selection Guide, simplifies the decision-making process.
  4. Helpful Tips and Installation Guidelines, ensures a successful and hassle-free installation process.
Dektite Product Catalogue

Download your copy of the Dektite Product Catalogue here ->

DEKS Dektite Selection Guide

Download the Dektite Selection Guide here ->

Wesbite Name: Deks Dektite Selection Guide